Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Calm Before the Storm WK. 1 (3/6-3/12)#2

Serene tides, a soft breeze, and the understanding that it only gets this quiet before life decides to unleash its terrible wrath upon us unfortunate mortals. This applies perfectly to what the process of designing a magazine from scratch feels like. I started out with a white canvas, pondering over what paintbrushes to use first. Asking around, watching YouTube tutorials, and even signing up to a few online designing companies that wouldn't allow me to use their material if I didn't pay them, didn't help me at all with my paintbrush-picking dilemma. And just when I was beginning to lose all hope, I happened upon an online designing webpage,, that held all the answers I was looking for. With my brush in hand, I now had the challenge of choosing what color scheme to use on my canvas. At last, I decided on a traditionally elegant, red, white, and black color scheme that screamed FLAMENCO. These three colors have been used throughout the history of flamenco in its dresses, guitar designs, and Spanish manila shawls. In fact, the first thing you see when you type flamenco in GOOGLE are these images:

I make the first stroke with my paint-filled brush and give life to my canvas.
It is in this peacefully daunting time, that a mild brainstorm is the only storm in sight. Designing the first draft was thrilling and when it started to resemble the image in my head, I couldn't help but feel like victory was mine.
The glitch?
My head happens to be a cunning, mischievous little fox that mutates my image, erasing the previous one, and doing so endlessly with no remorse.
"New to Canva? Sign Up!" Amazingly Simple Graphic Design Software – Canva. N.p., n.d. Web.

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